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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Enigma Of The Autistic Spectrum

To the typical three-year-old child, a bag of brightly-colored Leggos would be enticing. That child would begin to rummage through the bag and experiment with the many different ways to construct. Elijah, however, was not the typical three-year-old. He could only visualize himself building one thing only: a simple tower. Though lay beside him a wide assortment of differently-shaped blocks, Elijah preferred only the straight, red ones with which he could build his linear structure. This was an on-going ritual of his that the family would sometimes try to break.

       A few feet away from him sat Micai, another of my younger brothers. Like Elijah, Micai also engaged in a repetitive behavior: tapping on hard surfaces with straight objects. Although they were both in their own worlds, intensely focused on the tasks ahead of them, each would sometimes get the overwhelming urge to squeeze someone or something. And so, they turned to eachother to satisfy their need for stimulation.

      This is known as Autistic Spectrum, a major epidemic. It discriminates not between race, ethnicity, nor creed. In fact, it affects tens of millions worldwide, joining us all by the hand. Ten years ago, Autism only affected 1 in every 1000 individuals in the U.S. Now, it affects 1 in every 88. This evokes a host of questions that need not go unanswered:

  • What is the Autistic Spectrum?
  • What causes people to be on the Autistic Spectrum?
  • Why is it growing so rapidly?
  • Is there a cure?


     Autism is a very general term used to describe a group of complex developmental brain disorders known as Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD). Some of the disorders are Asperger's Syndrome, Rett's Syndrome, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, and PDD-NOS (Pervasive Developmental Disorder - Not Otherwise Specified). Because of the vast array of disorders, we collectively refer to this group as the Autism Spectrum.

      According to the Autism Society Of America, individuals on this spectrum may:

  • Not understand what you say
  • Appear deaf
  • Be unable to speak or speak with difficulty
  • Engage in repetitive behaviors (i.e. stacking or tapping objects)
  • Appear insensitive to pain
  • Appear anxious or nervous
  • Dart away from you unexpectedly
  • Engage in self-stimulating behavior (i.e. hand flapping, squeezing, or rocking)   


       Not only does Autism have influence over an individual's ability to communicate and socialize, it can also bring with it a host of physical maladies. Some physical symptoms that could possibly accompany Autistic Spectrum are:

  • Gastrointestinal disorders
  • Sleep Dysfunction
  • Sensory Integration Dysfunction ( Some Autistic children are very sensitive to stimuli such as being touched or being in a room with normal lighting). 



        Autism is believed to be caused by mutated genes that interact with certain environmental factors. Researchers are currently trying to identify just how genetic and environmental factors contribute to Autism. Though not much is known about the exact environmental factors, it is definitely known that exposure to infectious agents (maternal rubella or cytomegalovirus) or chemical agents (thalidomide or valproate) during pregnancy can cause Autism, according to the Autism Speaks Association.

      However, some propose the theory that vaccines and the cherished epidural could be the cause. Dr. Eric Hollander of New York's Mount Sinai School Of Medicine, a physician who specializes in treating Autistic children, reported noticing that 60% of his Autistic patients had been exposed to Pitocin (an artificial hormone used alongside epidural to speed up labor) as a fetus. "In some individuals whose oxytocin system could be genetically vulnerable, a strong environmental hit while the brain is still developing could down regulate the oxytocin system, leading to developmental problems," he said in an interview with Newsweek reporter, Geoffrey Crawley. "But this is only a hypothesis that has been observed by association."


            Whatever the cause, we cannot help but wonder why it is growing at such an exponential rate. Are people simply becoming more aware? Are doctors better able to diagnose the condition? We cannot rightly say, but we can support organizations that are striving for answers everyday. Organizations such as the aforementioned Autism Speaks Association hold walks for Autism research every April ( World Autism Awareness Month).




             Because Autism is not a disease, you cannot cure it per se. However, with the many therapies out there (Behavioral Therapy, Occupational Therapy, etc.), it is possible for a child to potentially recover from some of the symptoms of Autism. So it's better said that Autism can be treated rather than cured.
            Parents can also assist in the process of potentially "curing" their children. Many families attest to the fact that they have seen significant progress in their child's mental and physical behavior by removing gluten (a protein found in wheat, barley, rye, and oats through cross contamination) and casein (a protein found in dairy) from the diet. This may be a challenge to some families, so it is suggested that they consult their pediatrician to make sure the child woud benefit from this treatment before going through such extremes.

          My family has been dealing with the puzzle of Autism for 9 years. Coming from a homeschool background, my 14 year old brother and I (who are both neurotypical) help my two youngest brothers with therapy at home. They both have received ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis), Speech, and Occupational Therapy in the past. In January of 2013, Elijah aged out of Early Intervention. My brother Bryce and I continue therapy for him while my mother educates and treats Micai.
           With the many misconceptions of Autistic individuals being geniuses/savants (such as Dustin Hoffman's character in Rain Man) or Autism being closely-related to mental retardation, it is only obvious why understanding Autism is crucial in today's society.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Prolonging Life With Raw Food


  "A raw-foodist is not something you become; it is something that you already are" ~ Nature's First Law: The Raw Food Diet  

                  Take a moment to briefly consider the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.). Everyday, the average American delves ever deeper into the world of ill-health by consuming foods rich in fat and sugar. Overly-processed breakfast cereals, sugar-laden juice drinks, and high-sodium meat products are among the options available to the habitual grocery shopper. As a result, these poor individuals suffer from ailments such as obesity, diabetes, and colon cancer.

                   Although known to help prevent and reverse these degenerative diseases, the vegetarian/vegan diet is not the only route to take to achieve optimum health. For it is not COOKED food that provides us with the live enzymes and nutrients needed; it is raw food in its rawest and purest form. In his book, Raw Power, Stephen Arlin explains that when you treat food with thermal fire, you destroy the life-force in it. "The heat of cooking destroys vitamins, enzymes, nucleic acids, chlorophyll, de-animates minerals, and damages fats, turning them into dangerous trans-fatty acids," he says. "These fats are incorporated into the cell, causing an increase in cancer and heart disease."

                 The more I contemplated Arlin's words, the more I began to contemplate my own health. Even as a vegetarian, I still suffered from Periodontitis (a gum disease that subsequently leads to the loss of teeth). After countless visits to the dentist and no sign of recovery, it suddenly occurred to me that the only logical solution to this problem would be to turn back unto nature and consume raw food

                  And so, in April of 2013, I decided to undergo a two day trial of the raw food diet, abstaining from all processed, cooked, and packaged foods while still being able to flatter my tastebuds. It would not be an easy feat, but it would reap magnificent results in the long run.    

     Here are some of the rules I adhered to during the course of this trial:

  • 100% living, raw food
  • No cooked or processed foods
  • No caffeine (tea, coffee,etc.)
  • Six cups of distilled water per day     
                  The raw food diet is often thought to be quite expensive. This is mainly because fruits and vegetables have  low caloric density despite how nutritious they are. That means that in order to get the recommended amount of calories that you might need in a day, you will have to purchase and consume more.

                   I decided to take a different approach and focus on the inexpensive sources of calories by shopping at my local farmers' market. There, I was able to find a plethora of locally-grown produce that was affordable, fresh, and completely free of chemicals. With shopping bags in hand, I was ready to begin my two day cleanse. 



 The theme of this meal is lightness. For this meal, I settled for only one type of fruit (e.g. 2-3 bananas or apples). Consider adding a bit of variety to your morning meals by switching it up a bit. For example, on the first day of your trial, have some apples. On the second, have some pears.


 The theme for this meal is satisfaction. I chose this recipe because it was filling and had a warming effect on my body.


Zucchini Pasta With Pesto Sauce
  The theme for this meal is sensuality. Prepare to be amazed. Although uncooked, this version of pesto pasta is eerily similar to the actual one! This is a light dinner that will leave you feeling satisfied. (Pasta was created using a spiralizer purchased from Amazon).


Raw Vegan Brownies With Avocado Icing

  Dessert is incredibly rich, yet wonderfully healthy. Filled with Omega 3's, B vitamins, and antioxidants, these decadent treats will end your meal on a high note.

          Stuffed Avocado

                       Yields 2 servings


  • 2 Avocados
  • 1/2 Block Tofu
  • 1/2 Tsp. Turmeric
  • 2 Mushrooms (Diced)
  • Salt & Pepper (Optional)


  • Divide avocados in half, remove pit, and set aside. (Other avocado can be used for next day's lunch).
  • In large bowl, crumble tofu and add turmeric, seasonings, and mushrooms.
  • Fill avocados with mixture and enjoy.

    Zucchini Pasta With Pesto Sauce

                        Yields Approx. 3 Servings


  • 2 Medium Zucchini
  • 2 Cups Of Basil
  • 2 Cloves Of Garlic
  • Kosher Salt To Taste
  • 1/4 Virgin Olive Oil


  • Using a spiralizer purchased from Amazon or vegetable peeler, slice the zucchini into thin strips.
  • Blend basil, garlic, and oil together in food processor
  • Add salt if desired
  • Coat zucchini pasta and serve

 Raw Vegan Brownies With Avocado Icing

                        Yields Approx. 8-12 Small Brownies




  • 1/2 Cup Walnuts
  • 1 Cup Medjool Dates
  • 1/4 Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
  • Dash Vanilla Extract
  • 1/4 Cup Honey
  • 1 Avocado

  • Blend nuts and dates in food processor until fully processed
  • Add cocoa and vanilla into the mixture
  • Press mixture into a lined loaf pan to mold
  • To make frosting, combine flesh of avocado, vanilla, and honey in bowl
  • Coat brownies with mixture and serve 

      Although the raw food diet was considerably short, I will definitely undergo a much longer stint in the near future and highly recommend it for anyone seeking a healthy alternative. For more recipes for raw food, visit imanifields.blogspot.com

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Are High Heels Causing You Pain In Arch Of Foot?

  In Western society, it is generally accepted to be sexy - someone who is sexually suggestive, interesting, and appealing. Thus, the high heel shoe (meant to resemble the arched spine of a cat in heat) was created. This form of footwear has been touted as a torture device developed for women by men. Women strut about in them from dawn until dusk, but are high heels the true cause of pain in arch of foot?

  Wearing high heels changes the bio-mechanics of walking and can have an impact on the entire structure of the foot, causing not only pain in arch of foot, but hammer toes, callouses, ingrown toenails, metatarsalgia, and Achilles tendonitis. Despite this excessive damage, however, there are steps that can be taken to minimize such ailments:

  1. Try to abstain from the high heel, and wear shoes with a much flatter sole. This will immediately relieve you of pain in arch of foot.
  2. If you absolutely must wear something that provides you with a bit of height, convert to something with a wider, more supportive sole such as platforms.
  3. Beware of the pointy-toed heel that crushes your feet at the toes; this will damage the foot in more ways than one.
  4. Keep a pair of casual shoes in your possession for emergencies.
  5. Consistently have a pedicure done to help with any ingrown toenails you may have.
  6. Massage your feet every now and then to help with soreness caused by high heel shoes.
  7. Purchase leather shoes for they provide a bit more comfort.
  8. Never, by any means, perform surgery on your callouses nor use store-bought callous removers; the acid within these products will eat away at your skin.
  9. Apply emollient-rich lotions to your callouses to soften the tough skin.
  10. Do not alternate between low and high heeled shoes; this puts considerable stress on the Achilles tendon.
  11. Slip a silicone protective sleeve within your shoe to prevent bunions and hammer toes from rubbing against the material of your shoe.
  12. Practice toe-stretching exercises that increase circulation to your toes.
  13. If you are bothered by persistent pain in arch of foot, burning, or numbness, consult your podiatrist.
  14. Stretch the Achilles tendon and calf muscles twice daily.

   We women are not duly obligated to uphold the Western ideal of beauty. Forget the saying, "Beauty comes with a price" and allow comfort to surpass that standard. Visit imanifields.blogspot.com for more information on comfortable clothing.

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Black Hebrew Israelites Hold True To Passover Tradition

     We are starkly reminded of the biblical Exodus scene from the movie, "The Ten Commandments", when we hear of a group of Black Hebrew Israelites joining hands atop a Negev desert mountain to commemorate Pesach (Passover). Much like their fictional counterparts in the film, this modestly-clad group disposed of excess Seder meals in a bonfire and remained indoors until dusk (as done in the olden days when the Angel Of Death passed over their homes). "Doing so reflects how very serious we are about drawing night to the God Of Creation," said Ahbir Ben Israel, a member of the Hebrew Israelite community.

      Indeed, drawing night to God during Pesach is definitely what the Black Hebrew Israelites felt they were doing. Especially after their ancestors, they believe, were subjected to enslavement in both Egypt and the United States. Hence, this Passover season is celebrated twice. Brother Elkano Ben Shaleahk and Prince Immanuel Ben Yehuda state that these occasions allow them to cleanse themselves of any negative characteristics brought on by the previous year.

     And yet, their unceasing devotion to God does not stop with the Holy Day of Pesach. It is commonly taught within the community to worship Him within  everything they do. They even embraced the vegan diet as stated in Genesis 1:29: "And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the Earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you, it shall be for meat."

    For Karahliah Eshet Prince Ha'Gadol and Elkanon Ben Shaleahk, two of the first community members who left the U.S. in 1967 and now reside in Israel, Passover gives the priviledge to freely worship Yah (God) and start anew.

   Although Elkanon and the other Black Hebrew Israelites share most of the same beliefs as the Jews, he did not consume the usual Passover meal on the eve of that day. Instead of gelfite fish and matza ball soup, Ben Shaleahk sat down to a meal of salad, soy ice cream, stuffing with gravy, eggplant parmesan topped with soy cheese, and kale greens. "The tart kale represents 400 years of enslavement in America", explains Ben Shaleahk. "The sweet charoset (ice cream), however, represents how delighted we are to be free in the Holy Land."

    Despite two of his sons passing away at different intervals in time, he says that their adherence to the Bible has helped them to endure. "We absolutely caught up in the Bible," says Prince Immanuel Ben Yehuda. "We're still doing that to this day."


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Little Known Ways To Practice Green Living

 Ceaselessly, it is mentioned that  the green home is the future in the construction of homes. Nonetheless, it may be a number of years before such a thing will take place with only a fraction of one percent of homes being green. Still, I pose the question if  50% of the homes will  be green homes in the following decade.

  The expenditure  of constructing a green home may be rather  costly, but there are a plethora of ways to go green in your home without such an expense. Having the ability to say that you reside in a green house is exhilarating in this day and age. It can be expensive to transform your home into a green one, but one can undoubtedly undergo some fairly practical changes by practicing green living within their very own home. 

   Many individuals are not fully aware of the fact that their houses contain a much larger amount of chemicals than ever before. Vinyl linoleum, for example. releases a gas that can be toxic. While actual linoleum is not harmful in any way, it isn't easily obtainable. Following are some tips on ways to do away with such dangerous things and go green within your home:

  • Recycle Used Items - By simply recycling used items, you reduce the amount of waste compiled in landfills. Before delivering these items to private recycle depots located in your area, set aside separate containers meant for plastic, paper, and cans to hep the workers differentiate between the items.

  • Purchase Eco-Friendly Products - Replace your usual household products with items such as organic food, green cleaning supplies, green bath soap, and reusable green shopping bags. 

  • Use Green Paint When Decorating - When partaking in home improvements, abstain from paint that contains a great deal of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC). Also, worry not about Latex polluting the air when resealing floors and wooden doors. 

  • Purchase Green Devices For The Home - With the world becoming more conscious of  green living and its effect on the environment, manufacturers now produce many domestic devices that are environmentally-friendly. For example, washing machines, dishwashers, and toilets have settings which limit the amount of water being released. Thus, you will be left with fewer water bills.

  • Select Stoves With Energy Star Rating - In addition to giving your kitchen a more modern appearance, the stainless steel Energy Star stoves are made with the health of the environment and green living in mind.

           Since the costs of developing a green home from the ground up are relatively high, green living may seem impossible for many. However, by simply applying these few tips and strategies to practice green living within your home, you can now pay your contribution to the environment. For more ways to show your appreciation to Mother Earth, visit imanifields.blogspot.com

Want to get closer to nature?

RV Camping: The Comfortable Camping Alternative

 The word "camping" conjures images of sleeping on solid ground, kneeling close to the campfire to warm your freezing hands, telling ghost stories by flashlight, and finding a secluded spot to relieve yourself rather than using your very own toilet at home.

  Camping in an RV, however, conjures images of slumbering on a large, comfortable mattress and observing a television program on a HD television. Despite the fact that camping in an RV permits you to revel in the experience without undergoing hardships, it still allows you "tough it out” while outdoors but still rest comfortably. In other words, it lets you experience the wonderful things about the flora and fauna without the trouble of primitive living. RVs are similar to homes in that they have bathrooms, stoves, showers, and beds which means there is no need to shield yourself behind bushes or rub sticks together to set a fire. And for those who still yearn to be outdoors,  tents can pitched outside.                                              


There are those who may think of  RV camping as something quite expensive. However, after the preliminary payment for the acquisition of the motor home, RV camping is an investment in the building of a strong family bond, and it saves you a great deal of money on annual vacations. There is no need for hotels or resorts because RV parking and resorts are readily available. You will be able to prepare your meals from within the RV and no longer need to pay expensive fees for airfare. In most cases, RVing costs  60% less than it would if you were traveling by means of train, plane, or car.
  RV camping opens your eyes to the wonderful thing about nature and introduces you to the masses of  animal species and vegetation. It's the absolute perfect moment to teach children to appreciate nature, and it expands their horizons while increasing values that groom them into adults.

   RV camping provides you with the ability to have the very best of both worlds. RVs, for a worthy price, supply all of that and more. Get more involved with nature. There is no better solution to release tension. For more information on how to get close to nature and the environment, visit: imanifields.blogspot.com

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Secrets Of How To Unleash Your Creative Thinking

  As a writer, I know all too well how absolutely imperative a healthy dose of creative thinking is. Truth be told, understanding the vital part creative thinking plays in your life  is basic to keep up a ceaseless stream of new thoughts. Alas, we all experience times when this stream moderates to a trickle and now and again even stops. Concocting even a solitary inventive thought appears to be an impossible test. So how would you unleash your creative thinking?

 Let's observe 5 separate approaches to improve your creative thinking, subsequently permitting your psyche to push forward the more forefront thoughts:

  • Read & View The News - Read and watch everything readily accessible and keep your brain open to the unbounded potential outcomes of the universe. The more you know, the more you'll need to know, and the more your employees of marvel will be worked out. Although the news is loaded with pessimism, it simply infers there are issues so recognize them and think about any results that may address these issues. 

  • Keep Tabs On A Creative Activity Everyday - It might appear a troublesome undertaking, however indeed, doodling is an inventive movement. Work on drawing for several minutes every day, take out your dusty Polaroid and begin snapping photographs of everything, or begin a diary and make a focus to compose in it religiously. Attempt composing by portraying something with each of your five faculties. Be particular and stay far from unclear descriptive words like 'magnificent', "astounding" and 'scrumptious'. Continue everything - there is awful or terrible here. When you know it, you'll have manufactured yourself a little portfolio, and you'll be astonished at the development you've had while gathering every one of the aforementioned showstoppers. 

  • Conceptualize With Friends - This need not be a formal assembling nor does it have to be like work. Hang easy, kick back, and be cool. Have a ton of fun in this loose environment and treat this like an amusement, for example word cooperation or scrabble. Examining something like "what ticks you off most about..." and afterward let the sparkles fly. Undoubtedly, your creative thinking juices will definitely begin to bubble because of these trades. 

  • Adopt A Touch Of Craziness  - The thing is, rational soundness or being ordinary limits individuals to think to cutoff points. Imagination is the methodology of getting through hindrances.  A little touch of franticness adds such a great amount of energy to your presence. Each new inventive thought was once regarded crazy by other "ordinary" individuals full of vibrancy around then. Fortunately, that didn't prevent the inventive prodigies from standing by their thoughts and thinking innovatively. New concoctions, incredible craftsmanship, and existential rationalities hail from such over the top innovative personalities.

  • Examine Forums  - Online discussions are an extraordinary wellspring of data yet they are likewise an incredible place to discover what is on the brains of others. What disturbs them or what pressing and predictable need is out there that has gone unanswered?

 Creative thinking is an asset whereupon large groups depend so as to realize any sort of victory. The capability to bring imagination and enhancement into your deliberations is the thing that keeps you on the forefront and a stage in front of the rivalry. If its for business triumph, individual accomplishment or basically issue illuminating there'll dependably be the need for crisp new imaginative plans. Losing  the capacity to think innovatively can extremely upset your exertions or business development. The 7 methods we talked about above are extraordinary approaches to fortify inventive considerations that will keep you or your business ceaselessly advancing. For more how-to information, visit imanifields.blogspot.com

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Reaping The Benefits Of Aromatherapy Oils

    Aromatherapy is a craftsmanship that has been around for a considerable length of time and comprises of utilizing certain aromatherapy oils  to evoke certain reactions. There are individuals who scoff at the benefits aromatherapy oils elicit and cannot  understand how inhaling certain fragrances can cause somebody to feel relaxed, restored, and at ease. And yet, it can. Just by inhaling certain smells, aromatherapy can calm many types of symptoms.

 Aromatherapy is an alternative form of medicine that uses unpredictable fluid plant materials. It is likewise called essential oils. The utilization of aromatherapy can benefit you in numerous ways. Aromatherapy is a nonexclusive term that alludes to any of the different customs that make utilization of key oils in blending with other elective restorative practices and profound convictions. There are something like 150 vital oils. A large portion of these oils have germicide lands; some are antiviral, mitigating, ache soothing, energizer and expectorant. Two essential instruments are offered to demonstrate the indicated impacts. One is the impact of fragrance on the cerebrum, particularly the limbic framework through the olfactory framework. It has an especially Western coin and influence. Washing in key oils is an all-regular approach to unblock congested pores and straightforwardness the indications of exhaustion and muscle pressure.

Fragrant healing can likewise be utilized to simplicity the uneasiness of experiencing colds and flus. Oils, for example peppermint, eucalyptus, ginger, clove, juniper and rosemary can help mitigate blockage. Sweet-smelling home grown showers have been alluded to as "form and soul treatment" since they emphatically influences one's mind-set and general well-being. Attendants, specialists, rub advisors, osteopaths and prepared aromatherapists are a percentage of the individuals who practise fragrant healing. Key oils, phytoncides and other characteristic Vocs work in diverse ways.  Aromatherapy involves fundamental and scented oils. These oils are planned to restore or save in general health and are intended to help diminish stress. Moreover, the oils are utilized to mend the figure and brain of diseases.

Choosing Your Type

When testing out the benefits of aromatherapy, you have a plethora of choices accessible to you. Everything hinges on upon your inclination, as there is a fragrance based treatment item out there for every living soul. In the event that you like candles, fragrant healing candles are extremely ubiquitous. Assuming that you like incense, those, too, are exceptionally mainstream. On the other hand, numerous individuals decide to go an alternate track. For those individuals, there are key oils that might be smoldered in a diffuser, which discharges a fine fog into the air, there are crucial oils that could be rubbed on, for example those utilized by masseuses, and after that there are natural fragrant healing items, for example shampoos, moisturizers, and the sky is the limit from there. Regardless of what sort of fragrance based treatment item you pick, the profits of fragrant healing might be had by every last one of them.

Insider facts of Aromatherapy Tips

1. Lavender - First utilized as fragrance by antiquated Egyptians 2,500 years prior, lavender is presently used to treat a sleeping disorder, headaches and give stress help.

2. Rosemary - This fragrant plant eases muscle painfree Reprint Articles, low guilt force and last minute anxiety and conscience.

3. Spearmint - The oil from spearmint supports processing and maneuvers queasiness and regurgitating

4. Certain oils can additionally invigorate lymphatic seepage or have antibacterial lands.

5. Fragrant healing can serve to reinforce the insusceptible framework and has been demonstrated to be advantageous for moving bulky torments and stiffness.

 The benefits of aromatherapy have been liked by numerous individuals for many years, and it's absurd for one to reject them because they believe it's possible to feel a certain way by inhaling a certain fragrance. Just open your psyche, pick your item, your aroma and see what sorts of benefits from aromatherapy you can gain, if any. You'll see that once you feel the benefits of aromatherapy, you'll be snared and you'll need to let all of your companions know that aromatherapy isn't a myth; it is absolutely true. Visit imanifields.blogspot.com for more relaxation techniques.

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8 Simple Yoga Stretches To Increase Flexibility

     God created the human body to be lithe and limber, capable of moving or bending without restraint. But over the many centuries, we have gone from exerting physical energy into our work to a more relaxed state of mental toil. Thus, our once flexible bodies - so used to gliding about- are now accustomed to sitting in office chairs.

  Flexibility not only provides freedom of movement, but it also aids in the avoidance of injury and maintenance of health. Yoga, a system of exercises for attaining physical and mental balance, may very well provide the stretches to increase flexibility. Following is a list of simple stretches to increase flexibility with yoga:

  • Forward Bend - One of the simplest stretches to increase flexibility is this pose. The hamstrings can be stretched simply by standing in an upright position and bending forward to touch the toes. If the toes cannot be reached, do not fret. Just remain still for 10 to 15 seconds before moving forward from that position.

  • Raised Big Toe - With your back to the floor, wrap a yoga strap or belt around your raised foot and release after 10 to 15 seconds.

  • Wide-Legged Position - Sit with your legs wide open and bend forward (if comfortable for you). This will stretch the thighs.

  •  Low Lunge - Kneel to the floor, place your left knee behind you, and bring your right knee forward. Lay your hands on the floor in front of you to balance yourself as you straighten your left leg and lift your right knee. Hold this pose for 10 to 15 seconds and repeat the process on the other side.

  •  Downward-Facing Dog Pose - Get on all fours and lift your leg, ensuring that your foot is pointed downward. Lift the leg as high as you possibly can without breaking the pose. Hold pose for 10 to 15 seconds, and repeat the process on the other side.

  • Dancer's Pose - While standing upright, grab hold of your right ankle with your right hand. Press your ankle into your hand while slightly leaning backward. Raise your left arm, and hold this posture for 10 to 15 seconds.

  •  Bound Angle Pose - Sit down and straighten your legs. Bend the knees and pull them in until they reach your groin. Touch the soles of your feet together and turn your knees outward to the sides. Grab your feet, pull them slightly closer to the groin, and hold this pose for 10 to 15 seconds. 

  • Cat & Cow Pose - To begin the cow pose, get on all fours and tilt you neck upward. Transition into the cat pose by inhaling a breath of air and slowly exhaling it as you raise your spine and drop your head. Hold for 10 to 15 seconds, and repeat the process a second time.

     The ancient yogis realized how absolutely powerful the practice of yoga had on one's physical constitutions, and now that you are armed with these simple stretches to increase flexibility, you will also reap its benefits. For more helpful information on health and fitness, visit imanifields.blogspot.com

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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Revealing The True Definition Of Modest

Terra White from America's Next Top Model
      When you hear the word "modest", what do you envision? What is your definition of modest? Does the word represent a positive or negative connotation to you? In most Western cultures, the definition of modest is not a positive one; modest dress is viewed as being plain and unattractive. The need to dress provocatively is constantly encouraged throughout the media, reflecting a shallow society ruled by lust and materialism. So, what does this tell the average woman? It simply tells her that in order to be beautiful, she must be lude, an object of a man's sexual desire.

         This, however, is not the aesthetic of the African Hebrew Israelite Community (an Eastern culture). Based out of Dimona, Israel, the Hebrew Israelites work to portray a different standard of beauty that is reflective of the glory and higher standards of Yah (God).  "We, the Sons and Daughters of Yah, understand that we are Holy Temples of Yah, and as such have been set apart (sanctified) from the confusion existing in present world imagery," says Ben Ammi, spiritual leader of the Hebrew Israelites. "When we are seen, they must say, 'These people have come forth from the House of Yah.'"                                                                                                                  
Sister Mi'kaelah Baht Yisrael & her daughter

  To further promote this righteous mindset, the African Hebrew Israelites have created Natural-Culture.com, an online store marketing natural, eco-friendly products such as modest clothing, healing jewelry, and positive music. With women who adorn themselves in vibrant jewelry, the Hebrew Israelite women have shown that beauty is not measured by what you take OFF, but by what you put ON. Perhaps this concept will someday be instilled in the minds of millions. Visit imanifields.blogspot.com for more information on comfortable clothing.

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